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Our new book
The Holy Family:
Model Not Exception
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eBook also available on Kindle at

"A unique and important book in the current crisis of family life. This beautiful theological and philosophical work will lead the reader to transformation and greater devotion to the Holy Family as icon of the family."

-Pravin Thevathasan, MB BS, MRCPsych,

Editor, Catholic Medical Quarterly

“Dr. Shivanandan has produced a marvelous book: a blend of comprehensive scholarship, rich theological reflection on the Holy Family, and wonderful teaching on the importance of the family as a communion of persons and school of Christian love.  It’s a superb resource with enduring value -- and thus not to be missed.”

-Charles J. Chaput. O.F.M. Cap,

Archbishop of Philadelpia

“The mystery of our redemption is particularly lived out in the Holy Family, according to Shivanandan and, therefore, it is a guide for all families called to God’s redeeming love. Her book is rich in well-developed teachings that are valuable for strengthening marriage and family life.”

-Kathleen Curran Sweeney

Homiletic & Pastoral Review


Mary Shivanandan, STD

Dr. Shivanandan's book Crossing The Threshold of Love is available at



Pictured below with the Pope John Paul II

Podcast: Fatima and the Vocation of Marriage & Family

Listen as author Mary Shivanandan is interviewed by The World Apostolate of Fatima, Our Lady's Blue Army.

Anchor 1
"Christ attached enormous importance to the child. He made the latter almost the spokesman of the cause proclaimed by him and for which he gave his life. He made
the child a representative, the simplest one, of this cause, almost a prophet of this."


-Pope John Paul II

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including short articles on marriage, family, sexuality and Humanae vitae by the Author and guests.

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** It is imperative that anyone who wishes to adopt natural family planning (NFP) learn from a qualified instructor.  Please consult the NFP links on this website.**

Radio Maria Podcast: Saint Joseph and Chastity

Listen as author Mary Shivanandan is interviewed by Michael Duricy of the University of Dayton Radio Maria podcast.

Humanae Vitae
St. Paul VI emphasized the human nature of spousal love, when expounding his encyclical on responsible or conscious parenthood in Humanae vitae, 1968.  “Married love is before everything else a love distinctly human, that is, of the senses and the spirit.”

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