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Natural Family Planning Websites:

Billings Ovulation Method Association (BOMA):


BOMA-USA provides education and training for the Billings Ovulation Method®
which is a natural method of fertility management that teaches you to recognize the body's natural signs of fertility.



Couple to Couple League International (CCLI):


The Couple to Couple League (CCL) is an international, Catholic, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and teaching fertility awareness (natural family planning) to married and engaged couples. Essentially, we are a volunteer organization because services are provided by professionally trained volunteers who are supported by a small staff at the international headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. Local chapters of the organization consist of certified teaching couples and promoters, along with other supportive members.



United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB):


The mission of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (see CIC, c. 447) is to support the ministry of bishops with an emphasis on evangelization, by which the bishops exercise in a communal and collegial manner certain pastoral functions entrusted to them by the Lord Jesus of sanctifying, teaching, and governing (see Lumen gentium, no. 21).



Marquette University:


The Marquette University College of Nursing Institute for Natural Family Planning (INFP) was established in 1997 to provide professional education, research and service in natural family planning (NFP). Reflecting the mission of Marquette University, the mission of the INFP is to serve God by contributing to the advancement of knowledge in natural family planning through collaboration with the Catholic Church in local, state and national NFP programs.



Creighton Model NFP:


The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) is a standardized modification of the Billings Ovulation Method.  It is built on research, education and service (the “triangle of support” for the CrMS user) and is an integrated educational system designed to assure the highest quality service delivery possible for the FertilityCare™ Educator, Practitioner and the client couple.



Natural Family Planning International (NFPI):


Natural Family Planning International provides high quality and low cost instruction about Natural Family Planning in the context of Christian discipleship and the moral teaching of the Catholic Church. "Natural Family Planning" includes both ecological breastfeeding and systematic natural family planning. This not-for profit organization was started in 2004 by John and Sheila Kippley on the basis of their 33 years of experience in teaching and writing about natural family planning. Via the internet NFPI makes NFP instruction available all throughout the world.



FACTS (Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach Science):


Mission is to educate physicians and healthcare workers using medical evidence so they may empower women and engage men to appreciate and care for their fertility.





Teen STAR®  - Sexuality Teaching in the context of Adult Responsibility: Existential learning of fertility  patterns  leads to  self discovery  and internalization of one's fertility  and sexuality,  and demonstrated support for primary and secondary chastity.

** It is imperative that anyone who wishes to adopt natural family planning (NFP) learn from a qualified instructor.  Please consult the NFP links on this page.**

Other Useful Websites:

Imago Dei:


Founded in 2000, the mission is to evangelize society on the Catholic meaning of sexuality and marriage, drawing on Scripture and the Catholic Tradition, with particular emphasis on the human person as made in the image of God (imago Dei).  The mission is carried out through the specific means of A New Language:  A Study Guide on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, presented in small study groups.  It is carried out under the mantle four Blessed Mother, who perfectly lived the loving gift of body leading to the fruitfulness of the Incarnation and under the patronage of St. John Paul II.





Humanum is a quarterly review of books published by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, DC. It is published as a free service: there is no subscription fee. New issues on particular themes are posted online at regular intervals through the year.



Ruah Woods:


Ruah Woods helps men and women live their vocation to love, according to God’s plan, as informed by the Theology of the Body. As a result, Disciples are identified, Evangelizers are equipped and Catholic Leaders developed to transform the culture to a civilization of life and love.  Ruah Woods has developed a complete kindergarten through high school curriculum for Catholic schools. It is titled ROOTED: K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum. You can find more information at


Theology of the Body Institute:


Founded by Christopher West, The Theology of the Body Institute spreads the life-giving message of the theology of the body through graduate level courses, on-site speaker programs and clergy enrichment training.  Christopher West was originally a master’s student of Professor Shivanandan at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family but the development and spread of his theology of the body is all his own work.



Damon Owens’ Marriage Course:


joytob is the new teaching ministry of Damon Owens dedicated to proclaiming the joy of being made in the image and likeness of God, male and female. Drawing on over twenty years of lectures, motivational speaking, writing, and TV/radio presentations, Damon joyfully acclaims the goodness, truth, and beauty of human sexuality and its deepest meaning fulfilled by men and women who freely choose motherhood and fatherhood through marriage or celibacy for the sake of Heaven.



Theology of the Body Evangelization Team:


TOBET was founded in 2001 by a grassroots group of people to promulgate St. John Paul’s message of hope and healing to a world in need. The founders were educators and parents who recognized a calling to spread the Theology of the Body to people of all ages in a holistic way.



Marripedia (MARRI: Marriage And Religion Research Institute):


The purpose of MARRIpedia is to let the data do the talking. We hope to facilitate societal changes by delivering the power of robust social science findings to the actors in families, churches, schools, and other “people-forming” institutions. Thus informed, citizens can effect changes for the good. MARRIpedia is an important resource for any student, parent, policy maker, reporter or blogger who wants to become an informed and proactive player in improving society.


Join our colleague, Peter Colosi and special guests at historic Rolduc Abbey as they discuss and promote John Paul II’s Theology of the Body within a general theme—Defending and Promoting Human Dignity in a Secular Age—centering around the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of Humanae Vitae.  View details.

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